English Language Courses
SkillMe offers you the chance to learn the English Language to help progress you into an English university whether in the UK or in Europe. There are a range of English language courses ranging from general to a intensive English course that run during day and evening classes. Any students enrolling onto a language course will have to undertake a small test to find your current proficiency in English to be placed in the appropriate level. General English courses can be 10-15 hours a week, however intensive courses can be 25 – 30 hours. SkillMe is partnered with a number of organizations that offer English language courses that may be best suited for you.
Our English Language Schools:
- Ealing, Hammersmith and West London Colleges
- British School of Marketing International (Bournemouth)
- EC English, London, Brighton, Oxford, Hasting, Cambridge
- Stafford House, London, Brighton, Canterbury, Cambridge
- Stafford House Holiday
- Bellerbys College Brighton, London, Cambridge
- CATs College, Cambridge, London, Brighton
- Live Language Glasgow
- Francis Kings School, London and Dublin
- Kings Education (English) London, Bournemouth, Oxford, Brighton
- English in York
- Eurospeak
- Colchester English Study Centre
- Sheffield English Academy
- Leeds School of English
- Speakeasy English School
- EF English School, London, Bristol, Manchester, Eastbourne, Oxford, Cambridge
- Coventry College
- Nottingham Academy
- International House London & Newcastle
- Regent English School
- St Gills English School
- Kaplan (all centres)
- LSI Portsmouth / IH Portsmouth
- Anglo-Continental
- Richard Language
- Oxford International College